59-75 minutes
- absolute timelocks, Relative Timelocks
- abstract syntax trees (AST), Merklized Alternative Script Trees (MAST)
- absurd fees, Fees and Fee Rates
- acquiring bitcoins, Getting Your First Bitcoin-Getting Your First Bitcoin
- activation (soft forks)
- additivity, Schnorr Signatures
- addresses
- bech32
- bech32m, Bech32m-Bech32m
- explained, Bitcoin Addresses
- multisignature, Multisig and Governance
- P2PK (pay to public key), IP Addresses: The Original Address for Bitcoin (P2PK)-IP Addresses: The Original Address for Bitcoin (P2PK)
- P2PKH (pay to public key hash), Legacy Addresses for P2PKH-Legacy Addresses for P2PKH, Pay to Public Key Hash
- P2SH (pay to script hash), Legacy Pay to Script Hash (P2SH)-Legacy Pay to Script Hash (P2SH), Pay to Script Hash-Redeem Script and Validation
- P2WPKH (pay to witness public key hash), Pay to witness public key hash (P2WPKH)-Differentiating between P2WPKH and P2WSH
- P2WSH (pay to witness script hash), Pay to witness script hash (P2WSH)-Differentiating between P2WPKH and P2WSH
- vanity, Vanity Addresses-Vanity address security and privacy
- Aezeed recovery codes, Seeds and Recovery Codes
- aggregated public keys, Schnorr-based Scriptless Multisignatures
- alertnotify option (bitcoind option), Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node
- amount field (transaction outputs), Amount-Uneconomical outputs and disallowed dust
- ancestor fee rate mining, Child Pays for Parent (CPFP) Fee Bumping
- anchor outputs (CPFP), CPFP Carve Out and Anchor Outputs
- API access, Using Bitcoin Core’s Programmatic Interface-Using Bitcoin Core’s Programmatic Interface
- application platform, Bitcoin as
- archival full nodes, Node Types and Roles
- AST (abstract syntax trees), Merklized Alternative Script Trees (MAST)
- asymmetric cryptography (see public key cryptography)
- asymmetric revocable commitments, Asymmetric Revocable Commitments-Asymmetric Revocable Commitments
- authentication, Using Bitcoin Core’s Programmatic Interface, Authorization and Authentication
- authentication path, Merkle Trees
- authorization, Authorization and Authentication
- backing up
- balanced merkle trees, Merkle Trees
- base58check encoding, Base58check Encoding-Base58check Encoding, Bech32 Addresses
- base64 encoding, Base58check Encoding
- batch verification of digital signatures, Schnorr Signatures
- bcoin, JavaScript
- bech32 addresses
- bech32m addresses, Bech32m-Bech32m
- best practices, security, User Security Best Practices-Survivability
- binary hash trees, Merkle Trees
- Binomial Random Walk, Calculations
- BIP8 mandatory lock-in, BIP8: Mandatory lock-in with early activation-BIP8: Mandatory lock-in with early activation
- BIP9 signaling/activation, BIP9: Signaling and activation-BIP9: Signaling and activation
- BIP32 HD (hierarchical deterministic) key generation, Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Key Generation (BIP32), Creating an HD Wallet from the Seed-Public child key derivation
- BIP34 signaling/activation, BIP34: Signaling and activation-BIP34: Signaling and activation
- BIP39 recovery codes, Seeds and Recovery Codes, BIP39 Recovery Codes-Optional passphrase in BIP39
- BIP43 HD wallet tree structure, Navigating the HD wallet tree structure
- BIP44 HD wallet tree structure, Navigating the HD wallet tree structure-Navigating the HD wallet tree structure
- BIP118 SIGHASH flags, Signature Hash Types (SIGHASH)
- BIP144 extended serialization format, Extended Marker and Flag
- BIP148 activation of segwit, BIP8: Mandatory lock-in with early activation
- BIPs (Bitcoin Improvement Proposals), From Bitcoin to Bitcoin Core
- Bitcoin
- Bitcoin Core, C/C++
- authentication, Using Bitcoin Core’s Programmatic Interface
- BIPs implemented by, Bitcoin Improvement Proposals-Bitcoin Improvement Proposals
- command-line interface
- compiling from source code, Compiling Bitcoin Core from the Source Code-Building the Bitcoin Core Executables
- explained, From Bitcoin to Bitcoin Core-From Bitcoin to Bitcoin Core
- genesis block, The Genesis Block-The Genesis Block
- nodes
- RBF variants, Replace By Fee (RBF) Fee Bumping-Replace By Fee (RBF) Fee Bumping
- regtest, Regtest: The Local Blockchain
- serialized transactions, A Serialized Bitcoin Transaction-A Serialized Bitcoin Transaction
- signet, The default signet and custom signets
- testnet, Using testnet
- Tor transport, Encrypted and Authenticated Connections
- wrapper libraries, Using Bitcoin Core’s Programmatic Interface
- Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (see BIPs)
- Bitcoin network, The Bitcoin Network
- Bitcoin Relay Network, Private Block Relay Networks
- Bitcoin whitepaper
- bitcoin-cli command (see command-line interface (Bitcoin Core))
- bitcoin-s, Scala
- bitcoinj, Java
- bitcoins
- acquiring, Getting Your First Bitcoin-Getting Your First Bitcoin
- clearing transactions, Sending and Receiving Bitcoin
- currency exchanges, Getting Your First Bitcoin
- defined, Introduction
- exchange rate, Finding the Current Price of Bitcoin
- fractional values, Buying from an Online Store
- key control, Who controls the keys
- mining, Introduction
- physical storage, Physical Bitcoin Storage
- receiving, Receiving Bitcoin, Sending and Receiving Bitcoin-Sending and Receiving Bitcoin
- spending, Sending and Receiving Bitcoin-Sending and Receiving Bitcoin, Buying from an Online Store-Buying from an Online Store, Spending the Transaction
- transactions (see transactions)
- Bitcore, JavaScript
- block header, Block Header
- block header hash, Block Identifiers: Block Header Hash and Block Height-Block Identifiers: Block Header Hash and Block Height
- block height, Block Identifiers: Block Header Hash and Block Height-Block Identifiers: Block Header Hash and Block Height
- block reward, Coinbase Transactions
- block subsidy, Coinbase Transactions
- block-finding races, Compact Block Relay
- blockchain
- blockchain explorers, How Bitcoin Works-Bitcoin Overview
- blocks, Bitcoin Mining
- block header, Block Header
- candidate blocks, Mining Nodes
- compact block filters, Compact Block Filters-Using Compact Block Filters
- compact block relay, Compact Block Relay-Compact Block Relay
- exploring, Exploring Blocks-Exploring Blocks, Using Bitcoin Core’s Programmatic Interface-Using Bitcoin Core’s Programmatic Interface
- identifiers, Block Identifiers: Block Header Hash and Block Height-Block Identifiers: Block Header Hash and Block Height
- linking in blockchain, Linking Blocks in the Blockchain-Linking Blocks in the Blockchain
- private block relay, Private Block Relay Networks-Private Block Relay Networks
- reclaiming disk space, Reclaiming Disk Space
- structure of, Structure of a Block
- transactions in, Transaction Fees
- validating, Validating a New Block-Validating a New Block
- blocksonly option (bitcoind option), Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node
- bloom filters
- brainwallets, BIP39 Recovery Codes
- btcd, Go
- building blocks, Building Blocks (Primitives)-Building Blocks (Primitives)
- Byzantine Generals' Problem, History of Bitcoin
- C# toolkits, C#
- C/C++ toolkits, C/C++
- calculations
- candidate blocks, Bitcoin Mining, Mining Nodes
- carve outs (CPFP), Transaction Pinning-CPFP Carve Out and Anchor Outputs
- chain forks, Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain-Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain
- challenge script, The default signet and custom signets
- change output, Making Change, Creating the Outputs
- changeless transactions, Making Change
- checksums, Base58check Encoding
- child blocks, The Blockchain
- child key pair derivation, Public Child Key Derivation-Public Child Key Derivation
- choosing (see selecting)
- circular dependencies, Circular Dependencies
- clearing transactions, Sending and Receiving Bitcoin, Bitcoin Mining
- client-side validation, Client-Side Validation
- clients, Full node versus Lightweight
- Codex32 recovery codes, Seeds and Recovery Codes
- coin selection in transactions, Coin Selection
- coinbase data, Coinbase Data
- coinbase transactions, Coinbase Transactions-Coinbase Transactions, The Coinbase Transaction-Coinbase Data
- cold storage, Physical Bitcoin Storage
- collision attacks, Legacy Pay to Script Hash (P2SH)
- colored coins application, Colored Coins-Taproot Assets
- command-line interface (Bitcoin Core)
- commitment hash, Creating a Digital Signature, Segregated Witness’s New Signing Algorithm
- commitment transactions, State Channels—Basic Concepts and Terminology
- commitments, Legacy Addresses for P2PKH-Legacy Addresses for P2PKH
- compact block filters, Compact Block Filters-Using Compact Block Filters
- compact block relay, Compact Block Relay-Compact Block Relay
- compactSize unsigned integers, Length of Transaction Input List
- compiling Bitcoin Core from source code, Compiling Bitcoin Core from the Source Code-Building the Bitcoin Core Executables
- compressed private keys, Compressed Private Keys-Compressed Private Keys
- compressed public keys, Compressed Public Keys-Compressed Public Keys
- conditional clauses in scripts, Scripts with Flow Control (Conditional Clauses)-Using Flow Control in Scripts
- conf option (bitcoind option), Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node
- configuring
- confirmations, Sending and Receiving Bitcoin, Bitcoin Mining
- conflicting transactions, Outpoint, Transaction Fees, Replace By Fee (RBF) Fee Bumping
- consensus (see decentralized consensus)
- consensus rules, Bitcoin Mining, Changing the Consensus Rules
- hard forks
- contentious forks, Contentious hard forks
- difficulty and, Diverging miners and difficulty
- explained, Hard Forks-Hard Forks
- types of, Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain-Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain
- soft forks
- software development, Consensus Software Development
- timestamps and, Median Time Past (MTP)
- consolidation transactions, Common Transaction Forms
- contentious hard forks, Contentious hard forks
- CPFP (child pays for parent) fee bumping, Child Pays for Parent (CPFP) Fee Bumping-Child Pays for Parent (CPFP) Fee Bumping
- crowdfunding, Signature Hash Types (SIGHASH)
- cryptography, Introduction
- currency creation, Bitcoin Economics and Currency Creation-Bitcoin Economics and Currency Creation
- currency exchanges, Getting Your First Bitcoin
- current price of bitcoins, Finding the Current Price of Bitcoin
- custom signets, The default signet and custom signets
- datadir option (bitcoind option), Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node
- dbcache option (bitcoind option), Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node
- decentralized consensus, Decentralized Consensus-Decentralized Consensus
- decoding
- default signet, The default signet and custom signets
- deflation, Bitcoin Economics and Currency Creation-Bitcoin Economics and Currency Creation
- desktop wallets, Types of Bitcoin wallets
- deterministic key generation, Deterministic Key Generation-Deterministic Key Generation
- difficulty
- digests, Outpoint
- digital currencies, history of, Introduction
- digital signatures, Public Key Cryptography, Witness Structure
- creating, Creating a Digital Signature
- ECDSA, Digital Signatures, ECDSA Signatures-Serialization of ECDSA Signatures (DER)
- purpose of, Digital Signatures
- randomness, importance of, The Importance of Randomness in Signatures-The Importance of Randomness in Signatures
- schnorr signature algorithm, Digital Signatures, Schnorr Signatures-Schnorr-based Scriptless Threshold Signatures
- segregated witness and, Segregated Witness’s New Signing Algorithm
- SIGHASH flags, Signature Hash Types (SIGHASH)-Signature Hash Types (SIGHASH)
- verifying, Verifying the Signature
- disk space, reclaiming, Reclaiming Disk Space
- display byte order, Outpoint
- distributed computing problem, History of Bitcoin
- DNS seeds, Network Discovery
- double spending, Outpoint
- double-spend attacks, Hashrate Attacks-Hashrate Attacks
- downloading multiple block filters, Downloading Block Filters from Multiple Peers-Downloading Block Filters from Multiple Peers
- dummy stack element, An Oddity in CHECKMULTISIG Execution
- dust policies, Uneconomical outputs and disallowed dust-Uneconomical outputs and disallowed dust
- ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm), Digital Signatures, ECDSA Signatures-Serialization of ECDSA Signatures (DER)
- economics of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Economics and Currency Creation-Bitcoin Economics and Currency Creation
- Electrum v2 recovery codes, Seeds and Recovery Codes
- elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained-Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained
- elliptic curve multiplication, Public Keys-Public Keys
- embedded segregated witness, Embedding segregated witness inside P2SH
- emergent consensus, Decentralized Consensus-Decentralized Consensus
- encoding
- encryption, Encrypted and Authenticated Connections
- entropy, Private Keys
- estate planning, Survivability
- estimating fee rates, Estimating Appropriate Fee Rates
- excessive fees, Fees and Fee Rates
- exchange rate, Finding the Current Price of Bitcoin
- executables (Bitcoin Core), building, Building the Bitcoin Core Executables
- explicit paths, Backing Up Key Derivation Paths-Backing Up Key Derivation Paths
- exploring
- extended keys
- extended serialization format, Extended Marker and Flag
- extra nonce solution, The Extra Nonce Solution-The Extra Nonce Solution
- false positives, Using Compact Block Filters
- Fast Internet Bitcoin Relay Engine (FIBRE), Private Block Relay Networks
- FEC (Forward Error Correction), Private Block Relay Networks
- fee bumping
- fee rates, Fees and Fee Rates-Estimating Appropriate Fee Rates
- fee sniping, Timelock Defense Against Fee Sniping
- fees (see transaction fees)
- FIBRE (Fast Internet Bitcoin Relay Engine), Private Block Relay Networks
- flow control in scripts, Scripts with Flow Control (Conditional Clauses)-Using Flow Control in Scripts
- forks, Assembling and Selecting Chains of Blocks
- consensus rule software development, Consensus Software Development
- hard forks, Segregated Witness
- contentious forks, Contentious hard forks
- difficulty and, Diverging miners and difficulty
- explained, Hard Forks-Hard Forks
- types of, Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain-Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain
- hashrate attacks, Hashrate Attacks-Hashrate Attacks
- soft forks, Segregated Witness
- Forward Error Correction (FEC), Private Block Relay Networks
- fractional values of bitcoins, Buying from an Online Store
- free American call option, Taproot Assets
- full nodes, Full node versus Lightweight, How it propagates, Bitcoin Core: The Reference Implementation
- funding transactions, State Channels—Basic Concepts and Terminology
- hard forks, Segregated Witness
- contentious forks, Contentious hard forks
- difficulty and, Diverging miners and difficulty
- explained, Hard Forks-Hard Forks
- types of, Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain-Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain
- hardened child key derivation, Hardened child key derivation-Index numbers for normal and hardened derivation
- hardware signing devices, Types of Bitcoin wallets, Public Child Key Derivation, Hardware Signing Devices
- hash functions, Bitcoin Mining
- Hash Time Lock Contract (HTLC), Hash Time Lock Contracts (HTLC)-Hash Time Lock Contracts (HTLC)
- HASH160, Legacy Pay to Script Hash (P2SH)
- hashrate attacks, Hashrate Attacks-Hashrate Attacks
- HD (hierarchical deterministic) key generation, Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Key Generation (BIP32), Creating an HD Wallet from the Seed-Public child key derivation
- help command (Bitcoin Core), Bitcoin Core API-Bitcoin Core API
- high-bandwidth mode (compact block relay), Compact Block Relay
- high-frequency transactions, Original sequence-based transaction replacement
- history
- homogeneity of degree 1, Schnorr Signatures
- HTLC (Hash Time Lock Contract), Hash Time Lock Contracts (HTLC)-Hash Time Lock Contracts (HTLC)
- implicit paths, Backing Up Key Derivation Paths-Backing Up Key Derivation Paths
- incentives, Mining and Consensus, Incentive-Incentive
- independent key generation, Wallet Recovery-Independent Key Generation
- independent transaction verification, Independent Verification of Transactions-Independent Verification of Transactions
- index numbers for hardened derivation, Index numbers for normal and hardened derivation
- inflation, Bitcoin Economics and Currency Creation-Bitcoin Economics and Currency Creation
- input scripts, Output and Input Scripts-Output and Input Scripts, Input Script
- inputs, Transaction Inputs and Outputs, Inputs-Sequence as a consensus-enforced relative timelock
- internal byte order, Outpoint
- invoices, Bitcoin Addresses, Buying from an Online Store
- IP addresses for Bitcoin payments, IP Addresses: The Original Address for Bitcoin (P2PK)-IP Addresses: The Original Address for Bitcoin (P2PK)
- labels, backing up, Backing Up Nonkey Data
- legacy serialization, Extended Marker and Flag, Legacy Serialization
- Lightning Network (LN), Routed Payment Channels (Lightning Network)-Lightning Network Benefits
- lightweight clients, Full node versus Lightweight, Node Types and Roles, Lightweight Clients-Lightweight Clients
- linearity, Schnorr Signatures
- linking blocks in blockchain, Linking Blocks in the Blockchain-Linking Blocks in the Blockchain
- LN (see Lightning Network)
- lock time, Lock Time
- lock-in, mandatory, BIP8: Mandatory lock-in with early activation-BIP8: Mandatory lock-in with early activation
- lossless encoding, Golomb-Rice Coded Sets (GCS)
- lossy encoding, Reducing Bandwidth with Lossy Encoding
- low-bandwidth mode (compact block relay), Compact Block Relay
- mainnet, Bitcoin’s Test Blockchains
- majority attacks, Hashrate Attacks-Hashrate Attacks
- managed pools, Managed pools
- mandatory lock-in, BIP8: Mandatory lock-in with early activation-BIP8: Mandatory lock-in with early activation
- MAST (merklized alternative script trees), Merklized Alternative Script Trees (MAST)-Merklized Alternative Script Trees (MAST)
- maturity rule, Coinbase Transactions
- maxmempool option (bitcoind option), Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node
- median time past (MTP), Lock Time, Median Time Past (MTP)
- memorizing recovery codes, Seeds and Recovery Codes
- memory pool, Mempools and Orphan Pools, Independent Verification of Transactions
- merkle path, Merkle Trees
- merkle trees, Merkle Trees-Merkle Trees and Lightweight Clients
- millibitcoins, Buying from an Online Store
- mining, Introduction
- adjusting difficulty, Retargeting to Adjust Difficulty-Retargeting to Adjust Difficulty
- assembling blockchain, Assembling and Selecting Chains of Blocks-Assembling and Selecting Chains of Blocks
- blocks
- candidate blocks, Mining the Block-Successfully Mining the Block
- coinbase transactions, The Coinbase Transaction-Coinbase Data
- competitiveness of, Mining and the Hash Lottery-Peer-to-peer mining pool (P2Pool)
- constructing block header, Constructing the Block Header-Constructing the Block Header
- currency creation, Bitcoin Economics and Currency Creation-Bitcoin Economics and Currency Creation
- decentralized consensus, Decentralized Consensus-Decentralized Consensus
- extra nonce solution, The Extra Nonce Solution-The Extra Nonce Solution
- hashrate attacks, Hashrate Attacks-Hashrate Attacks
- incentives, Mining and Consensus
- independent transaction verification, Independent Verification of Transactions-Independent Verification of Transactions
- miner nodes, purpose of, Mining Nodes-Mining Nodes
- mining pools, Mining Pools-Peer-to-peer mining pool (P2Pool)
- operational overview, Bitcoin Mining-Bitcoin Mining, Mining and Consensus-Mining and Consensus
- proof-of-work algorithm, Proof-of-Work Algorithm-Target Representation
- purpose of, Mining and Consensus
- target representation, Target Representation-Target Representation
- timestamps, Median Time Past (MTP)
- validating blocks, Validating a New Block-Validating a New Block
- mining forks, Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain-Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain
- mining pools, Mining Pools-Peer-to-peer mining pool (P2Pool), Hashrate Attacks
- mnemonic phrases (see recovery codes)
- mobile wallets, Types of Bitcoin wallets
- Moore's Law, Mining and the Hash Lottery
- MTP (median time past), Lock Time, Median Time Past (MTP)
- multiple block filters, downloading, Downloading Block Filters from Multiple Peers-Downloading Block Filters from Multiple Peers
- multisignature addresses, Multisig and Governance
- multisignature scripts, Original sequence-based transaction replacement, Scripted Multisignatures-An Oddity in CHECKMULTISIG Execution
- MuSig protocol, Schnorr-based Scriptless Multisignatures
- MuSig-DN protocol, Schnorr-based Scriptless Multisignatures
- MuSig2 protocol, Schnorr-based Scriptless Multisignatures
- mutual satisfaction contracts
- Muun recovery codes, Seeds and Recovery Codes
- Nakamoto, Satoshi, History of Bitcoin, From Bitcoin to Bitcoin Core, The Genesis Block, The Bitcoin Whitepaper
by Satoshi Nakamoto
- native forwarding, Taproot Assets
- NBitcoin, C#
- nesting
- network discovery, Network Discovery-Network Discovery
- network forks, Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain-Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain
- networks (Bitcoin) (see Bitcoin network)
- nodes
- in Bitcoin, Network
- compact block relay, Compact Block Relay-Compact Block Relay
- configuring, Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node-Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node
- miner nodes
- network discovery, Network Discovery-Network Discovery
- number of, The Network
- private block relay, Private Block Relay Networks-Private Block Relay Networks
- running, Running a Bitcoin Core Node-Running a Bitcoin Core Node
- syncing blockchain, Exchanging “Inventory”-Exchanging “Inventory”
- transaction verification, Independent Verification of Transactions-Independent Verification of Transactions
- types of, Node Types and Roles
- validating blocks, Validating a New Block-Validating a New Block
- nonce attacks, Schnorr-based Scriptless Multisignatures
- noncustodial wallets, Quick Start
- nonkey data, backing up, Backing Up Nonkey Data-Backing Up Nonkey Data
- nonpayment data, Data Recording Output (OP_RETURN)-Data Recording Output (OP_RETURN)
- NOP opcodes, Soft Forks
- offchain technology, Recovery Codes
- opt-in transaction replacement, Opt-in transaction replacement signaling
- OP_CHECKMULTISIG execution, An Oddity in CHECKMULTISIG Execution-An Oddity in CHECKMULTISIG Execution
- OP_CLTV script operator, Check Lock Time Verify (OP_CLTV)-Check Lock Time Verify (OP_CLTV)
- OP_CSV script opcode, Relative Timelocks with OP_CSV-Relative Timelocks with OP_CSV
- OP_NOP opcodes, Soft Forks
- OP_RETURN scripts, Data Recording Output (OP_RETURN)-Data Recording Output (OP_RETURN)
- orphan pools, Mempools and Orphan Pools
- outpoint field (transaction inputs), Outpoint-Outpoint
- output indexes, Outpoint
- output scripts, Output and Input Scripts-Output and Input Scripts, Output Scripts-Output Scripts
- outputs, Transaction Inputs and Outputs, Outputs-Output Scripts
- overpaying transaction fees, Fees and Fee Rates
- P2C (pay to contract), Pay to Contract (P2C)-Pay to Contract (P2C), Pay to Contract (P2C)-Pay to Contract (P2C)
- P2PK (pay to public key), IP Addresses: The Original Address for Bitcoin (P2PK)-IP Addresses: The Original Address for Bitcoin (P2PK)
- P2PKH (pay to public key hash), Legacy Addresses for P2PKH-Legacy Addresses for P2PKH, Pay to Public Key Hash
- P2Pool (peer-to-peer mining pool), Peer-to-peer mining pool (P2Pool)-Peer-to-peer mining pool (P2Pool)
- P2SH (pay to script hash), Legacy Pay to Script Hash (P2SH)-Legacy Pay to Script Hash (P2SH), Pay to Script Hash-Redeem Script and Validation
- P2WPKH (pay to witness public key hash), Pay to witness public key hash (P2WPKH)-Differentiating between P2WPKH and P2WSH
- P2WSH (pay to witness script hash), Pay to witness script hash (P2WSH)-Differentiating between P2WPKH and P2WSH
- package fee rate, Child Pays for Parent (CPFP) Fee Bumping
- package relay, Package Relay
- paper wallets, Paper Wallets-Paper Wallets
- parent blocks, The Blockchain
- partial private keys, Scriptless Multisignatures and Threshold Signatures
- partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT) format, A Serialized Bitcoin Transaction
- passphrases (for recovery codes), Seeds and Recovery Codes-Seeds and Recovery Codes, Optional passphrase in BIP39-Optional passphrase in BIP39
- path references in HD wallets, HD wallet key identifier (path)
- pathfinding in Lightning Network, Lightning Network Transport and Pathfinding-Lightning Network Transport and Pathfinding
- payment batching, Common Transaction Forms
- payment channels, Original sequence-based transaction replacement, Payment Channels and State Channels-Hash Time Lock Contracts (HTLC)
- payment verification
- payments
- peer-to-peer networks, Bitcoin as, Full node versus Lightweight, How it propagates, The Bitcoin Network
- (see also Bitcoin network)
- peers, Full node versus Lightweight, Node Types and Roles
- physical bitcoin storage, Physical Bitcoin Storage
- preimage attacks, Legacy Pay to Script Hash (P2SH)
- presigned transactions, Version
- primitives, Building Blocks (Primitives)-Building Blocks (Primitives)
- privacy
- private block relay, Private Block Relay Networks-Private Block Relay Networks
- private child key derivation, Private child key derivation-Using derived child keys
- private keys
- proof-of-work algorithm, History of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Mining, Proof-of-Work Algorithm-Target Representation
- prune option (bitcoind option), Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node
- PSBT (partially signed bitcoin transaction) format, A Serialized Bitcoin Transaction
- public child key derivation, Public Child Key Derivation-Public Child Key Derivation, Public child key derivation-Public child key derivation
- public key cryptography, Public Key Cryptography
- base58check encoding, Base58check Encoding-Base58check Encoding, Bech32 Addresses
- bech32 addresses
- compressed public keys, Compressed Public Keys-Compressed Public Keys
- elliptic curve cryptography as, Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained-Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained
- hash functions and, Legacy Addresses for P2PKH-Legacy Addresses for P2PKH, Legacy Pay to Script Hash (P2SH)-Legacy Pay to Script Hash (P2SH)
- input/output scripts, Output and Input Scripts-Output and Input Scripts
- IP address payments and, IP Addresses: The Original Address for Bitcoin (P2PK)-IP Addresses: The Original Address for Bitcoin (P2PK)
- key tweaks, Pay to Contract (P2C)-Pay to Contract (P2C)
- paper wallets, Paper Wallets-Paper Wallets
- purpose in Bitcoin, Public Key Cryptography
- scriptless multisignatures, Scriptless Multisignatures and Threshold Signatures-Scriptless Multisignatures and Threshold Signatures
- vanity addresses, Vanity Addresses-Vanity address security and privacy
- wallet recovery key generation (see key generation)
- public keys, Witness Structure
- pycoin, Python
- Python toolkits, Python
- python-bitcoinlib, Python
- randomness, importance in digital signatures, The Importance of Randomness in Signatures-The Importance of Randomness in Signatures
- RBF (replace by fee) fee bumping, Replace By Fee (RBF) Fee Bumping-Replace By Fee (RBF) Fee Bumping
- receiving bitcoins, Receiving Bitcoin, Sending and Receiving Bitcoin-Sending and Receiving Bitcoin
- reclaiming disk space, Reclaiming Disk Space
- recovery codes, Recovery Codes-Recovery Codes, Seeds and Recovery Codes-Seeds and Recovery Codes, BIP39 Recovery Codes-Optional passphrase in BIP39, Ensuring Your Access
- redeem scripts, Legacy Pay to Script Hash (P2SH)-Legacy Pay to Script Hash (P2SH), Pay to Script Hash
- regtest, Regtest: The Local Blockchain-Regtest: The Local Blockchain
- relative timelocks, Sequence as a consensus-enforced relative timelock, Relative Timelocks-Relative Timelocks with OP_CSV
- release candidates, Selecting a Bitcoin Core Release
- release version (Bitcoin Core), selecting, Selecting a Bitcoin Core Release-Selecting a Bitcoin Core Release
- repeated session attacks, Schnorr-based Scriptless Multisignatures
- replace by fee (RBF), Opt-in transaction replacement signaling
- revocable commitments, Asymmetric Revocable Commitments-Asymmetric Revocable Commitments
- rewards, Bitcoin Mining, Coinbase Reward and Fees-Coinbase Reward and Fees
- RGB protocol, RGB-RGB
- RIPEMD-160 hash function, Legacy Addresses for P2PKH
- risk diversification, Diversifying Risk
- root of trust, The Root of Trust-The Root of Trust
- root seeds, Creating an HD Wallet from the Seed
- routed payment channels (see Lightning Network)
- RPC commands (see command-line interface (Bitcoin Core))
- running nodes, Running a Bitcoin Core Node-Running a Bitcoin Core Node
- Rust toolkits, Rust
- rust-bitcoin, Rust
- salt, From recovery code to seed
- satoshis, Buying from an Online Store, Transaction Chains
- Scala toolkits, Scala
- schnorr signature algorithm, Digital Signatures, Schnorr Signatures-Schnorr-based Scriptless Threshold Signatures
- Script programming language, Transaction Scripts and Script Language
- scripted multisignatures, Scripted Multisignatures-An Oddity in CHECKMULTISIG Execution
- scriptless multisignatures, Scriptless Multisignatures and Threshold Signatures-Scriptless Multisignatures and Threshold Signatures
- scriptless threshold signatures, Schnorr-based Scriptless Threshold Signatures-Schnorr-based Scriptless Threshold Signatures
- scriptpath spending, Taproot
- scripts
- examples of, Complex Script Example-Nested pay to witness script hash
- flow control, Scripts with Flow Control (Conditional Clauses)-Using Flow Control in Scripts
- input/output, Output and Input Scripts-Output and Input Scripts
- MAST, Merklized Alternative Script Trees (MAST)-Merklized Alternative Script Trees (MAST)
- OP_RETURN, Data Recording Output (OP_RETURN)-Data Recording Output (OP_RETURN)
- P2PKH (pay to public key hash), Pay to Public Key Hash
- P2SH (pay to script hash), Pay to Script Hash-Redeem Script and Validation
- segregated witness, Segregated Witness Output and Transaction Examples-Nested pay to witness script hash
- stack, The script execution stack-The script execution stack
- stateless verification, Stateless Verification
- timelocks
- Turing incompleteness, Turing Incompleteness
- second preimage attacks, Legacy Pay to Script Hash (P2SH)
- second-party transaction malleability, Second-Party Transaction Malleability-Second-Party Transaction Malleability
- security
- seed phrases (see recovery codes)
- seeds, Deterministic Key Generation, Seeds and Recovery Codes
- segregated witness (segwit), Bech32 Addresses-Bech32 Addresses, Segregated Witness-Segregated Witness, BIP8: Mandatory lock-in with early activation-BIP8: Mandatory lock-in with early activation
- selecting
- sequence field (transaction inputs), Sequence-Sequence as a consensus-enforced relative timelock
- sequence-based transaction replacement, Original sequence-based transaction replacement-Original sequence-based transaction replacement
- serialization
- serialized transactions, A Serialized Bitcoin Transaction-A Serialized Bitcoin Transaction
- settlement transactions, State Channels—Basic Concepts and Terminology
- setup transactions, Original sequence-based transaction replacement
- SHA256 hash function, Legacy Addresses for P2PKH, Proof-of-Work Algorithm
- share chains, Peer-to-peer mining pool (P2Pool)
- SIGHASH flags, Signature Hash Types (SIGHASH)-Signature Hash Types (SIGHASH)
- signaling
- signatures (see digital signatures)
- signet, Signet: The Proof of Authority Testnet-The default signet and custom signets
- simplified-payment-verification (SPV) clients, Full node versus Lightweight
- single-use seals, Single-Use Seals
- SLIP39 recovery codes, Seeds and Recovery Codes
- soft forks, Segregated Witness
- software development for consensus rules, Consensus Software Development
- software forks, Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain-Hard forks: Software, network, mining, and chain
- source code, compiling Bitcoin Core, Compiling Bitcoin Core from the Source Code-Building the Bitcoin Core Executables
- speedy trial activation, Speedy trial: Fail fast or succeed eventually
- spending bitcoins, Sending and Receiving Bitcoin-Sending and Receiving Bitcoin, Buying from an Online Store-Buying from an Online Store, Spending the Transaction
- SPV (simplified-payment-verification) clients, Full node versus Lightweight, Node Types and Roles, Lightweight Clients-Lightweight Clients
- stack, The script execution stack-The script execution stack
- standard transaction outputs, Output Scripts
- state channels, State Channels—Basic Concepts and Terminology-State Channels—Basic Concepts and Terminology
- stateless script verification, Stateless Verification
- status information (Bitcoin Core), Getting Information on Bitcoin Core’s Status-Getting Information on Bitcoin Core’s Status
- storing bitcoins, Physical Bitcoin Storage-Diversifying Risk
- Stratum, Managed pools
- survivability (of bitcoin access), Survivability
- syncing blockchain, Exchanging “Inventory”-Exchanging “Inventory”
- taproot, Taproot-Taproot
- Taproot Assets, Taproot Assets-Taproot Assets
- tapscript, Tapscript-Tapscript
- targets
- technical debt, Criticisms of soft forks
- test blockchains
- testnet, Testnet: Bitcoin’s Testing Playground-Problems with testnet
- third-party API clients, Full node versus Lightweight
- third-party transaction malleability, Third-Party Transaction Malleability-Third-Party Transaction Malleability
- threshold signatures, Scriptless Multisignatures and Threshold Signatures-Scriptless Multisignatures and Threshold Signatures
- timelocks
- timestamp servers, Timestamp Server
- timestamps, Median Time Past (MTP)
- Tor transport, Encrypted and Authenticated Connections
- transaction chains, Transaction Chains
- transaction fees, Transaction Inputs and Outputs, Creating the Outputs, Mining and Consensus
- transaction IDs (txid), Exploring and Decoding Transactions
- transaction pinning, Transaction Pinning-Transaction Pinning
- transaction scripts (see scripts)
- transactions
- adding to blockchain, Adding the Transaction to the Blockchain-Bob’s view
- in Bitcoin whitepaper, Transactions-Transactions
- in blocks, Bitcoin Mining, Transaction Fees
- building complete index, Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node
- change output, Making Change
- changeless, Making Change
- clearing, Sending and Receiving Bitcoin, Bitcoin Mining
- coin selection, Coin Selection
- coinbase, Coinbase Transactions-Coinbase Transactions, The Coinbase Transaction-Coinbase Data
- common types, Common Transaction Forms
- conflicts in, Transaction Fees, Replace By Fee (RBF) Fee Bumping
- constructing, Constructing a Transaction-Bob’s view
- defined, Bitcoin Transactions
- errata in Bitcoin whitepaper, Transactions-Transactions
- exploring/decoding, Exploring and Decoding Transactions-Exploring and Decoding Transactions, Using Bitcoin Core’s Programmatic Interface-Using Bitcoin Core’s Programmatic Interface
- extended serialization format, Extended Marker and Flag
- independent verification, Independent Verification of Transactions-Independent Verification of Transactions
- inputs, Transaction Inputs and Outputs, Inputs-Sequence as a consensus-enforced relative timelock
- legacy serialization, Extended Marker and Flag, Legacy Serialization
- lock time, Lock Time
- outputs, Transaction Inputs and Outputs, Outputs-Output Scripts
- presigned, Version
- serialized, A Serialized Bitcoin Transaction-A Serialized Bitcoin Transaction
- signatures (see digital signatures)
- spending bitcoins, Buying from an Online Store-Buying from an Online Store, Spending the Transaction
- state channels, State Channels—Basic Concepts and Terminology-State Channels—Basic Concepts and Terminology
- timelocks
- unconfirmed, Mempools and Orphan Pools
- validating, Transaction Scripts and Script Language, Script Construction
- version of, Version-Version
- weights, Weight and Vbytes-Weight and Vbytes
- witnesses, Witness Structure-Witness Structure Serialization
- translated forwarding, Taproot Assets
- tree structure in HD wallets, Navigating the HD wallet tree structure-Navigating the HD wallet tree structure
- trustless channels, Making Trustless Channels-Making Trustless Channels
- trustless protocols, Circular Dependencies
- Turing Complete, Turing Incompleteness
- txindex option (bitcoind option), Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node, Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node
- wallets
- choosing, Choosing a Bitcoin Wallet
- explained, Getting Started
- key control, Who controls the keys
- key generation
- noncustodial, Quick Start
- nonkey data, backing up, Backing Up Nonkey Data-Backing Up Nonkey Data
- P2WPKH (pay to witness public key hash), Wallet construction of P2WPKH
- paper, Paper Wallets-Paper Wallets
- private key formats, Private Key Formats
- recovery codes, Recovery Codes-Recovery Codes, Seeds and Recovery Codes-Seeds and Recovery Codes, BIP39 Recovery Codes-Optional passphrase in BIP39, Ensuring Your Access
- types of, Types of Bitcoin wallets-Full node versus Lightweight
- web store example (extended keys), Using an Extended Public Key on a Web Store-Navigating the HD wallet tree structure
- web wallets, Types of Bitcoin wallets
- weights (of transactions), Weight and Vbytes-Weight and Vbytes
- whitepaper (Bitcoin)
- witness items, Witness Structure Serialization
- witnesses, Witness Structure-Witness Structure Serialization
- wrapper libraries, Using Bitcoin Core’s Programmatic Interface